Some of our Clients
Aktion Mensch • Anefore Luxemburg • ArcMind Technologies • Avira • B.A.D. • BG ETEM • DIHK • FORD
eks Engel • elbag Energietechnik • European Schoolnet • GIZ • gmc2 • Hochtief • Inmatec Technologies • Intergraph
Netzwerk e. V. • nordmedia • PAD • QSC AG • SIG Combibloc Systems • SSAT London • Stadt Köln
Stiftung Digitale Chancen • Travelite • UN Academy • UNESCO • Wolters Kluwer • TownTalker
Aktion Mensch • Anefore Luxemburg • ArcMind Technologies • Avira • B.A.D. • BG ETEM • DIHK • FORD
eks Engel • elbag Energietechnik • European Schoolnet • GIZ • gmc2 • Hochtief • Inmatec Technologies • Intergraph
Netzwerk e. V. • nordmedia • PAD • QSC AG • SIG Combibloc Systems • SSAT London • Stadt Köln
Stiftung Digitale Chancen • Travelite • UN Academy • UNESCO • Wolters Kluwer • TownTalker
“Competent, professional and sincere – that is what makes kommweit special for me. They take their clients and their needs very seriously. They can handle social topics in a relaxed and creative way and can design processes that move all of the participants forward every time. Thank you for the excellent work!”
Aktion Mensch e. V.
Expert Workshop on “Inclusion”
Expert Workshop on “Inclusion”
Silke Niemann
Team Action Manager
Team Action Manager
“Before this, I had never experienced such practical and clearly understandable leadership training. I was able to immediately use many of the things I learned. I have since been able to find really helpful paths to solutions for current problems.”
Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG
Leadership Development
Leadership Development
Kai Schimpf
Manager Windows Software Development
Manager Windows Software Development
“Together with Avira, kommweit competently developed in-house workshops for our German and international managers based on our wishes and goals and those of the target group. Even above and beyond the training itself, kommweit has been a competent advisor for our managers and initiator of our management peer groups.
kommweit understands us as a client, they understand our market and the challenges we face and are thus able to develop training perfectly suited to us.”
kommweit understands us as a client, they understand our market and the challenges we face and are thus able to develop training perfectly suited to us.”
Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG
Leadership and Team Development
Leadership and Team Development
Anja Michael
Vice President Global Human Resources
Vice President Global Human Resources
“In order for diversity to give birth to innovative ideas, there have to be people who are mindfully aware, who change perspectives, who appreciatively compare and co-construct. During our Summer Academy, our innovation partners Bettina Zeidler and Frank Spitthöver eloquently and with an engaging presence let our participants experience and try creative methods. The kommweit workshops expanded our repertoire for successfully handling diversity.“
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH / Akademie für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
Creativity Training
Creativity Training
Thorsten Hölzer
Project Leader, Center for Information and Didactics
Project Leader, Center for Information and Didactics
“As a Germany-wide supplier of IHK products and services for career training and further education, quality is particularly important to us. To make our trainees fit for tomorrow’s job market, we are glad to rely on kommweit’s services.”
DIHK-Gesellschaft für berufliche Bildung – Organisation zur Förderung der IHK-Weiterbildung mbH
Respect! Workshop for Trainees
Respect! Workshop for Trainees
Bernd Rudel
Project Leader and Trainer
Project Leader and Trainer
“We have been working for more than four years with Frank Spitthöver and his team. For me, it is especially interesting to see not only the directions in which my employees and I have further developed, but also how we use the tools in our daily work. We are glad to have found a trusted partner in kommweit. One who knows how to challenge and support us.“
eks Engel GmbH & Co. KG
Leadership Development
Leadership Development
Ralph Engel
“I have worked closely with Bettina and Frank in their capacity as educational consultants over a number of years. They have been involved in vision building and course creation for the eTwinning action, especially in intercultural communication and creativity. They are creative and highly professional in their approach to work.”
European Schoolnet
Intercultural Collaboration
Intercultural Collaboration
Anne Gilleran
Senior Adviser
Senior Adviser
“In this workshop with practical impulses and interactive methods, we were able to get a clear view of what is important, more serenity in daily school situations and time and leisure outside of school.“
Gesamtschulen Regierungsbezirk Köln
Workshop “Work-Life Balance”
Workshop “Work-Life Balance”
Ralph Kuhn
School Director Gesamtschule Rodenkirchen, Cologne
School Director Gesamtschule Rodenkirchen, Cologne
“Our experience with kommweit, from the initial planning to the end evaluation, was characterized by openness, transparency and professionalism. The kommweit team’s personal commitment and their love of their work is contagious and productive.”
GGS Robert-Koch-Schule
Communication Workshop
Communication Workshop
Silke Müller
School Director of the GGS Robert-Koch-Schule, Bonn
School Director of the GGS Robert-Koch-Schule, Bonn
“kommweit distinguishes itself through its professional and reliable way of working coupled with a modern, open-minded value system.”
INTERGRAPH Deutschland GmbH
Innovative Training Concept
Innovative Training Concept
Dr. Josef Kauer
Division Manager / Authorized Officer
Division Manager / Authorized Officer
“kommweit supports us in achieving our goals for education for sustainable development for children in their first four years of school. Successful management of processes involving group dynamics especially improved the cooperation between the teachers and the team providing after-school programs (“offene Ganztagsschule”). This resulted in lasting effects for the school structure and the current school development processes. We especially benefited from the kommweit team’s skill at creating conditions for motivation as well as providing clear structure and expert knowledge.”
Netzwerk e. V. – Social Services and Ecological Education
School and Team Development
School and Team Development
Friedhelm Meier
“kommweit impressed me with their outstanding dedication and their very structured approach to organization and concepts. That is why I am to this day glad to access their large reservoir of knowledge and experience.”
Nordmedia – Film- und Mediengesellschaft Niedersachsen/Bremen mbH
Research and Advice on Innovative Education
Research and Advice on Innovative Education
Thomas Schäffer
“kommweit is an especially reliable and constantly creative partner, who, since 2004, has supported and enriched our work with their multifaceted experience and knowledge in the area of pedagogy and intercultural learning.”
Schulen ans Netz e. V.
Intercultural Learning and Pedagogical Concepts
Intercultural Learning and Pedagogical Concepts
Ellen Kammertöns
National Coordinator eTwinning
National Coordinator eTwinning
“On the way home to Cologne it dawned on me that you and your interesting methods and impulses had inspired a new culture of learning and performance among the participants of the workshop. The work really motivated everyone and the exchange of ideas and experiences was a pleasure. The excellent results speak for themselves. Thank you again for everything! The Steering Committee is very much looking forward to an interesting follow-up session. Kind regards from Cologne.”
School Directors Cologne
Workshop on “New Culture of Learning and Performance”
Workshop on “New Culture of Learning and Performance”
Margit Jonas-Hamacher
School Director, KGS Mengenicher Str. Cologne
School Director, KGS Mengenicher Str. Cologne
“The work with kommweit while preparing for our international innovation workshop was marked by open-mindedness and creativity. The content and timing of the workshop was well-tailored to fit the needs of the target group.”
SIG Combibloc GmbH
International Workshop “Creativity and Innovation”
International Workshop “Creativity and Innovation”
Ina Grothof
Communications Manager
Communications Manager
“kommweit are experienced educationalists and facilitators who put learning at the very heart of their work. They have run excellent workshops on motivation and developed new pedagogical approaches for the 21st century and all with an infectious enthusiasm and a determination to make learning fun! Bettina and her team have made significant contributions to the development of pedagogical practices through eTwinning and international collaboration. Their ideas are very innovative and creative and their presentations and workshops are always first class.”
SSAT (The Schools Network) Ltd.
21st Century Pedagogy
21st Century Pedagogy
Steve Hall
Senior Lecturer in Education, Staffordshire University
Senior Lecturer in Education, Staffordshire University
“While working with kommweit, we were equally impressed by their creativity and professionalism. Superb reliability and appreciative interaction with the customer characterize the work of Bettina Zeidler and Frank Spitthöver.“
Stiftung Digitale Chancen e. V.
Training Concept and Documents for Employment Seekers
Training Concept and Documents for Employment Seekers
Jutta Croll
Chairperson of the Board
Chairperson of the Board
“Coaching from kommweit gave me the courage to enter into a process for developing alternative courses of action and strategies which allow me to more actively shape my life. My heartfelt thanks.”
TownTalker Media AG
Leadership Coaching
Leadership Coaching
Susanne Miller
Head of Buying & Booking
Head of Buying & Booking
“With empathy, creative ideas and persuasive, well-considered arguments, kommweit developed a sales training course for us that exactly fits our product and the needs of our customers. Our salespeople are thus able to experience in the training how customers can feel light travel during a customer consultation.”
travelite GmbH & Co. KG
Training for Salespeople
Training for Salespeople
Kirsten Haardt
Head of Product Management
Head of Product Management